Women's Hymn of Praise

of our
mothers and fathers
in eternity
you heaven
praise and glorify HIM forever
you angel
praise and glorify HIM forever
you water
praise and glorify HIM forever
you powers
praise and glorify HIM forever
sun and moon
praise and glorify HIM forever
you stars
praise and glorify HIM forever
rain and dew
praise and glorify HIM forever
you winds
praise and glorify HIM forever
fire and embers
praise and glorify HIM forever
frost and heat
praise and glorify HIM forever
dew and snow
praise and glorify HIM forever
ice and cold
praise and glorify HIM forever
hoarfrost and snow
praise and glorify Him forever
nights and days
praise and glorify HIM forever
light and dark
praise and glorify HIM forever
lightning and clouds
praise and glorify HIM forever
praise and glorify to HIM forever
mountains and hills
praise and glorify HIM forever
you plants on earth
praise and glorify HIM forever
you wells
praise and glorify HIM forever
oceans and rivers
praise and glorify HIM forever
marine life
praise and glorify HIM forever
birds in the sky
praise and glorify HIM forever
you animals, wild and tame
praise and glorify HIM forever
you women
praise and glorify HIM forever
you men
praise and glorify HIM forever
you people on their way
praise and glorify HIM forever
you spirits and souls of the righteous
praise and glorify HIM forever
you humble and pious humans
praise and glorify HIM forever

The Song of the Three Jews, Daniel 3,51-90