I Have a Dream

It was a long time ago, that women won the fight for the active and passive right to vote. Their equality as part of human rights is anchored in many constitutions. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to women. The equality of men and women seemed to be within reach, for some of us more a real part of life than for others. But many decades later (All right), the woman still is not free and equal. (My Lord, Yeah) . The situation of the woman in democratic, wealthy countries is also to be found on the global list of violations to human rights and personality. The manacles of traditional gender role models, the chains of discrimination, left alone with the children – the woman often is still languished in the corners of society and finds herself in exile in her own land. And so we´ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we´ve come to cash a check. When the architects of our democratic constitution, both male and female, wrote the magnificent words of the equality for all mankind, (Yeah), they were signing a promissory note to which every human being was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, males as well as females (My Lord), also with respect to the differences, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and equality. Too strong an emphasis is placed on the woman´s responsibility today, for it is she who ultimately carries the responsibility for having and taking care of children. Her chances in our society are at the mercy of the free market. It is an unequal competition. It is an unfair competition. The poverty among women, especially single mothers – and there are many – is alarmingly high. It is obvious today that the states – and those are the male and female citizens - have defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her female citizens and the children are concerned (My Lord). Instead of honouring this sacred obligation, our countries have given the female people a bad check, a check, which has come back marked insufficient funds. ((enthusiastic applause)) (My Lord, Lead on, Speech, speech)

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. (My Lord) ((laughter)) (No, no) We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. (Sure enough) And so we´ve come to cash this check (Yes), a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom (Yes) and the security of justice. (Yes Lord) ((enthusiastic applause))

We have also to remind us of the fierce urgency of now. (Mmh) Women often do not know how they can reconcile work and family life. Marriage no longer secures women financially. The rate of poverty among women and children is high. Stress in families is high. Jobs for mothers, where they can work and are paid according to their professional qualifications, are difficult to obtain. There are not enough childcare facilities and they are not financially equipped enough.

This is no time (My Lord) to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. ((applause)) (Yes, Speak on it!) Now is the time (Yes it is) to make real the promises of democracy. (My Lord) Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of women´s discrimination to the sunlit path of gender justice and children´s rights. Now is the time ((applause)) to lift our nation from the quicksand of gender injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood and sisterhood. Now is the time (Yes) ((applause)) (Now) to make justice a reality for all of God´s children. God created human beings as man and woman, as equal creatures, who both should support one another in love. Working on and with a child is always a gift for the next generation, it can never be completely compensated in money. It should be a gift from both sexes and from society as a whole. The woman should not be pushed into having the sole responsibility. It is the solidarity and the responsibility from the man that both, she and the children need.

It would be fatal for society to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the woman´s legitimate discontent (Yes) will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. (My Lord) This year is not an end but a beginning. (Yes) And those who hope that the woman needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if society returns to business as usual. ((enthusiastic applause)) There will be neither rest nor tranquillity until the woman is granted her citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of the family and thus our society until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that must be said to all people, who stand on the warm threshold, which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom and justice by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. (My Lord, No, no, no) ((applause)) We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical and psychological violence. (My Lord) Again and again (No, no), we must rise to the majestic heights (Yes) of meeting physical and psychological force with soul force. (My Lord) The marvellous new militancy, which has engulfed the solidary community of women as sisters in the women´s movement must not lead us to a distrust of all males (Hmm), For many of our brothers have come to realize, that their destiny is tied up with our destiny ((sustained applause)), Both, the man and the woman love each other. In her son the woman gives birth to the man of the future. The man sires in his daughter the woman of the future. Those men have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. That justice can only be achieved if there is justice for both sexes. We cannot walk alone. These are the men who waive their privileges and act in the sense of freedom and justice in favouring women. For humanity is like a bird, with the two wings man and woman. Both wings must be equally trained, otherwise this bird can not fly properly, and in the worst case not survive.

And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights “When will you be satisfied?“ (Never)

We can never be satisfied as long as the poverty and the suffering among women and children is so great. We cannot be satisfied as long as women, exhausted and tired after the job and taking care of the children, still need to do the chores for the man as well. We cannot be satisfied as long as a woman, who has given up her job for the family and then divorces, still needs to work fulltime and take care of the children. And we can never be satisfied as long as the woman cannot find fulltime work on the job market and then has to take less qualified part time work, often remaining poor. And can we ever be satisfied as long as the pension for most mothers is not sufficient to live on? Can we ever be satisfied as long as even childless women experience oppression resulting from behavioural and psychological expectation of traditional role model? Can we ever be satisfied as long as women are underrepresented in many professions, and are subjected to the gender pay gap? Not forgetting it is the woman who mainly carries the opportunity costs arising from starting a family. And not forgetting, that women do not have enough say in shaping society. Can we ever be satisfied as long as the global crisis of the welfare states is mainly carried out at the expense of the women and children?

Last but not least:
Can we ever be satisfied as long as these problems are only the tip of the ice berg and there are far too often the most terrible acts against women and children in the world: murder and rape, mistreatment and abuse, exploitation and deprivation of liberty, starvation and many, many barbarities more? Can we ever be satisfied as long as the situation for women is so alarmingly often an unspeakable violation of human rights? No, no, we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters (Yes) and righteousness like a mighty stream ((applause)) (Let´s go, Tell it)

We know that many women have great trials and tribulations. (My Lord) Some are twice as poor, because they have few opportunities to defend their freedom and their rights. Accepting and handling further these and many more agonizing and tedious challenges poses hardship for us. Yet it can also be creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith (Hmm) that unearned suffering is redemptive. Let us trust that new beginnings are possible. Something new can be born in us. The miracle of a new beginning is found in every new born baby. The present situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. (My Lord) The flow of history will carry women onwards.

Today, despite the difficulties of today and tomorrow (Uh-huh), I still have a dream. (Yes) One day people all over the world will truly be able to say: We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all human beings, both men and women, are created equal.“ (Yeah, Uh-huh, Hear, hear) ((applause))

I have a dream ... a dream of freedom … Men and women acknowledge each other as equals, even though they are different. They cooperate with each other, they support each other, they allow each other liberties, and they accept responsibilities for their actions. They let each other grow. They are both equals at the table of brotherhood and sisterhood. Both needs are considered in their discussions. Taking care of children is a task done mutually with both having enough time for the children. They both freely take responsibility for the coming generations. Women can give their lifetime freely to spending time with their children without having any disadvantages, as men can also. They are both financially secure where necessary, they can develop their capabilities, and they can be active in society according to their rights as human beings. Their livelihood is secured independently from each other with their own income.

I have a dream ... Our daughters are happy to be women. State and society are an oasis of justice. Women like men are given the chance to have a good life. Women should have their fair economic share, political equality is a fact, and the freedom of men and women can develop in all parts of society. It is recognized, that the part of women´s work, which is traditional work is a gift to society. Giving has for both it´s rightful place in society. Loving a woman with all her strength being the most important thing a man can give to her. Then the whole is more than the sum of it´s parts That´s why 1+1 could also be 11. This is no dream of complete happiness, but rather concerns also the pain and the suffering of each individual and in which situation all individuals must prove themselves. The rights and the dignity of men and women are thus recognized, implemented and institutionalized. We simply need a little more imagination and empathy. They are involved in all parts of society talking to each other, they complement each other, they look for possible courses of action and find solutions.

I have a dream ... There is true friendship between men and women as well as the friendship of two binary star personalities, and there is real solidarity among women. Social justice and a new culture of love between men and women are seen as inseparably bound. This exists already. This is our hope (Yes, yes) With this faith (My Lord) we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. (Yes, All right) With this faith (Yes) we will be able to transform the jangling discords in our world (Yes) into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood and sisterhood (Talk about it).

When we allow freedom and justice to ring, we will be able so speed up the day when all of God´s children (Yeah) – men and women, people of different skin colours, of different religions or of different philosophies - will be able to join hands and sing in the words of an old spiritual: "Free at last! (Yes) Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!“ ((enthusiastic applause))

() audience; in italics original language of Martin Luther King



The question of women´s rights isn´t new, but should however be repeatedly asked in the corresponding contemporary context.
In the mission for more justice, women and children should not be forgotten. In a new culture of interaction between men and women, the woman is a worthy and on the same level subject with equal rights.
It is the asynchronity in the emancipatory development and the diversity in the question of values amongst women, which need to be taken into account.

As a result of global interdependences the challenges for women today need to be considered in an international context. An option for the poor means addressing the female poverty in the so called developed countries (culminating in death by starvation) and in the rich industrial countries (especially single mothers) Asymmetries in gender relations, human rights violations and poverty exist worldwide. After centuries of the emancipation process the woman views herself as an active subject with a claim to be on an equal level with the man and with the hope for synergy effects. As an economically independent subject, self-responsibility is required also as a mother. At the same time she is affected by structural shortcomings in national and international politics, in light of global economics becoming more interdependent.
Questions concerning the fair and just world economic order are inextricably linked with questions concerning a new culture of interaction between men and women. Economics, which encompass the feminist economics, can be a valuable contribution here.

A deeper understanding of women´s issues and the question of gender relations can be reached by following these maxims:

Contemporary science and historical perspective
Theoretical analysis (feminist theory) and experience (social-empirical method)
Individual topics and holistic approach (cross-sectoral topic)

The attempt should be made to let the energy resulting from the indignation about injustice flow into creative power. At the same time allowing synergy effects arising from the interaction of men and women, from old and new values, and from existing and yet to be developed expertise to be used for the common good. The topic is therefore at the same time a single and individual topic as well as a cross-sectoral topic on all aspects of life with an holistic approach. Interdisciplinary sciences concerning the women´s issues and gender relations can be pooled. The science in general has been completed and improved.

It is a vital future task to further expand the female perception and the female connotated side of the life of human beings in the sense of „cura“, in the sense of „care“ as a common global caring for life from men and women. The German term for Good Friday, „Karfreitag“, and the happenings on that day point to the fact, that „kar“ meaning suffering and „care“ both have common etymological rotes.


Close to my heart:
Eucken, Walter: The Foundations of Economics.
One of the fathers of the social market economy in Germany, life-serving economy, inclusion of the manifold human everyday experience and the feminine side of man in economic theory, epistemology, critique of economic power, sustainable approach to be further developed globally
Eucken-Erdsiek, Edith: Chaos und Stagnation. In: Erste Ausgabe des Ordo-Jahrbuchs. (Chaos and Stagnation. In: First Edition of the Ordo Yearbook).
Light in dark times
Full of more Inspiration:
Arendt, Hannah: The Human Condition.
Category natality, “vita activa”: labor, work, action
Beauvoir, Simone de: The Second Sex.
The woman is a subject
Bourdieu, Pierre: Masculine Domination.
Chardin, Teilhard de: The Phenomenon of Man.
Transformations of love in human history
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development: Oeconomicae et Pecuniariae Quaestiones: Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial System.
Life-serving finance
Francis I.: Laudato Si.
Integral ecology
Francis I.: Fratelli Tutti.
Political love of the neighbour
John Paul II: Letter to Women (Fourth World Conference on Women).
Full equality in terms of women's capabilities and potential for implementation in society; male mea culpa (conditioning)  i.c.w. gratitude, admiration,, openness, defence of the woman and mercy
John Paul II: Centesimus Annus.
Humanity in and through the economy
Gouges, Olympe de: The Declaration of the Rights of Women.
Women´s rights are human rights

Haimbach-Steins, Marianne: „... nicht mehr Mann und Frau“. Sozialethische Studien zu Geschlechterverhältnis und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit.("... neither Man nor Woman". Social Ethical Studies on Gender Relations and Gender Justice.)
First approaches to questions of a gender-just Catholic social doctrine
Hainz, Michael: Freundschaft mit Armen (Friendship With the Poor).
Eye level, zest for life
Harding, Sandra: The Science Question in Feminism.
Standpoint Epistemologies
King, Martin Luther: I have a dream.
Non-violent fight for social justice
Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum.
Magna Carta of a human economic and social order
Mies, Maria; Shiva, Vandana: Ecofeminism. Critique. Influence. Change.
The value of global subsistence economy
Mill, John Stuart; Tylor Mill, Harriet: The Subjection of Women.
Equality in marriage requires renunciation by the husband
Müller, Johannes; Kiefer, Matthias: Frauen – Gewinnerinnen oder Verliererinnen der Globalisierung? Neue Herausforderungen für eine Gender-gerechte Weltordnung. (Globale Solidarität – Schritte zu einer neuen Weltkultur). (Women - Winners or Losers of Globalization? New Challenges for a Gender Equitable World Order (Global Solidarity - Steps towards a New World Culture)).
Constructive catholic gender research 
Nussbaum, Martha: Creating Capabilites. The Human Development Approach.
Capability approach
Raworth Kate, Doughnut Economics. Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st -Century Economist.
Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
Schiller, Friedrich: Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man.
Art as a society-changing force