
Close to my heart:
Eucken, Walter: The Foundations of Economics.
One of the fathers of the social market economy in Germany, life-serving economy, inclusion of the manifold human everyday experience and the feminine side of man in economic theory, epistemology, critique of economic power, sustainable approach to be further developed globally
Eucken-Erdsiek, Edith: Chaos und Stagnation. In: Erste Ausgabe des Ordo-Jahrbuchs. (Chaos and Stagnation. In: First Edition of the Ordo Yearbook).
Light in dark times
Full of more Inspiration:
Ailey, Alvin: Fix me Jesus – Revelations.
Exodus story, man and woman striving towards and away from each other, towards Jesus, together and alone
Aquinas, Thomas St.: The Summa Theologica.
Accident (philosophy) “woman“
Arendt, Hannah: The Human Condition.
Category natality, “vita activa”: labor, work, action
Aristotle: Nicomachian Ethics.
Friendship for the sake of friendship
Beauvoir, Simone de: The Second Sex.
The woman is a subject
Bourdieu, Pierre: Masculine Domination.
Bovenschen, Silvia: Die imaginierte Weiblichkeit. (The Imagined Femininity).
Men imagine a fantasy, an image of women; the reality of women is thus hardly grasped
Brantschen, Niklaus; Gyger, Pia: Es geht um die Liebe. Aus dem Leben eines zölibatären Paares. (It's All About Love. From the Life of a Celibate Couple).
Man and woman strive together, mutually fertilizing each other, with the help of the life force of integrated sexuality for the Kingdom of God - heart level
Buber, Martin: I and THOU.
I in relationship to a YOU,  YOU as a human being and YOU as the eternal God
Chardin, Teilhard de: The Phenomenon of Man.
Transformations of love in human history
Emin, Tracey: For You.
I Felt You And I Knew You Loved me. Liverpool Anglican Cathedral
Francis I.: Laudato Si.
Integral ecology
Francis I.: Evangelii Gaudium.
Church of the poor; women are doubly poor; this economy kills
Francis I.: Fratelli Tutti.
Political love of the neighbour
Gorbachev, Raisa: I Hope.
Points of contact of female thinking in intellectual history with regard to the new position of women and world politics
Guggenheim Shbeta Evi; Shbeta Eyas: Oase des Friedens (Wahat al-Salam - Neve Shalom). Wie eine Jüdin und ein Palästinenser ihre Liebe leben. (Oasis of Peace. How a Jewish Woman and a Palestinian Live Their Love).
Psychology of Peace and Interreligiousness
Hafis : Poems.
Love is ambiguous
Hainz, Michael: Freundschaft mit Armen (Friendship With the Poor).
Eye level, zest for life
Harding, Sandra: The Science Question in Feminism.
Standpoint Epistemologies
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm: The Phenomenology of Spirit.
Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis
Husserl, Edmund: Logical Investigations.
Phenomenology, (back) to the things themselves
John Paul II: Letter to Women (Fourth World Conference on Women).
Full equality in terms of women's capabilities and potential for implementation in society; male mea culpa (conditioning)  i.c.w. gratitude, admiration,, openness, defence of the woman and mercy
John Paul II: Centesimus Annus.
Humanity in and through the economy
John Paul II : Mulieris Dignitatem.
Meditation on the dignity of woman
John Paul II: Theology of the Body.
Fruit of a discourse on sexuality
John Paul II, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka: Correspondence.
Dialogical relationship as a gift of God
John Paul II, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka: The Acting Person.
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Pure Reason.
Rationality – Experience - Knowledge
Kant, Immanuel: What is enlightenment?
Have the courage to use your own intellect, exit from self-inflicted immaturity
King, Martin Luther: I have a dream.
Non-violent fight for social justice
Küng, Hans: Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic.
Universal Ethics of the World Religions; new culture of partnership of man and woman
Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum.
Magna Carta of a human economic and social order
Mill, John Stuart; Tylor Mill, Harriet: The Subjection of Women.
Equality in marriage requires renunciation by the husband
Müller, Johannes; Kiefer, Matthias: Frauen – Gewinnerinnen oder Verliererinnen der Globalisierung? Neue Herausforderungen für eine Gender-gerechte Weltordnung. (Globale Solidarität – Schritte zu einer neuen Weltkultur). (Women - Winners or Losers of Globalization? New Challenges for a Gender Equitable World Order (Global Solidarity - Steps towards a New World Culture)).
Constructive catholic gender research                          
Nussbaum, Martha: Creating Capabilites. The Human Development Approach.
Capability approach
Rahner, Karl: Writings on Theology.
Anonymous christian; triple-step-prayer: topic, dialogue, prayer to God; mystagogy
Rahner, Karl; Rinser, Luise: Correspondence.
Dialogical relationship as a gift from God
Rinser, Luise: Zölibat und Frau (Celibacy and Woman).
Personal relationship

Rumi: Poems.
Love is ambiguous
Sadat, Jehan: My Hope for Peace.
Determined message of peace
Salomon: The Song of Songs.
Love is ambiguous. To God and between man and woman? With and without lived sexuality?
Schiller, Friedrich: Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man.
Art as a society-changing force
Speyr, Adrienne von; Balthasar, Hans Urs von (Eds.): Entire Writings.
Common mission